Monday 17 September 2012

Deep in Humble Pie...

Over the summer, I read a book called "Humility True Greatness" by C.J. Mahaney.

The book was about looking at where there is pride in your life; I definitely recommend this book to read! It was a really challenging book to read, mainly because a lot of the issues he was coming up with I hadn’t even thought of as pride.

Even now, as I am thinking back on the book and some of the situations, which he brought up, I am seeing that I have failed, even within these short months… that’s humbling!

My goal is to truly live in a way that I am humble first. It seems to me that a lot of issues, conflicts, or disagreements are because of proud stubbornness. What is the point in holding on to these destructive ways? So many times, I just want to brush this topic aside and say, "I’m not that bad" and then I look in the mirror and I see I am. My heart is not pure.

The only way to get over this, is truly turning to Jesus and saying sorry for thinking that I can do it all myself and what I can’t do myself isn’t important. The things I can’t do by myself are the most important.

I have to give over my pride to the foot of the cross, and lay it down, bare, and see it, as it is, in all its displeasing, ugly and destructive ways. This is not an easy thing to do. In fact, I am still learning to leave things at the foot of the cross and not carry them on my back all day, everyday.

The best thing is, God will fill the black hole with His forgiveness, love and presence, which is worth so much more than holding on to something that just eats away at you until you are rotten inside.  Knowing that I need Jesus to get me through my days and that I cannot survive without Him is so crucial for me.  Knowing that I am living for Him, I am carrying His name around with me and I have to understand that doing this means something. I have to know that pride drives away my relationship with Jesus. 

"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." Proverbs 11:2

Be strong and take heart,
Butterflies & Rubies

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