Monday 3 September 2012

I once heard a story about an art dealer...

There was an art dealer.  He had the most amazing collection of art. It was so amazing, any art gallery would dream of having it. Unfortunately, the art dealer died. 

There was no family for the paintings to be passed on to, his wife had died some years back and his son had gone to fight in a war, as part of the army, the son died while fighting. 

However, when it was heard that the art dealer had died, all the galleries- that knew he had this amazing collection- couldn't wait for the art pieces to come out of storage. The pieces of art were going to be sold off.  The money would go to a charity that the art dealer had picked before his death.

So, the day of the auction came. There was press coverage, gallery directors and rich business people, flying into the area to make sure they would be able to get “their” painting. 

The auctioneer started off by warming the crowd up. We have this artist and that artist. The room had a huge buzz in the air. 

The auctioneer then went on to sell the first piece. Clearing his throat, he ordered the first painting to come up and be shown to the room, to sell. 

It was by an unknown artist and it was a painting of the late art dealers son, a portrait. The auctioneer started the bidding off, "Who will give me $25,000?"

The room went cold silent. Again the auctioneer, "25,000, for this portrait." He waited, "Anyone?" The room was silent still, whispers started to be passed around the room. " $20,000, anyone?" The auctioneer came down in price again and again. The room was getting uncomfortable by now. 

Someone from the side shouted "Come on, we want the other pieces of art, no one once this one, move on!" The mans comment received cheers from others in the room and “Yes, leave this one.”

The auctioneer replied, "I am instructed to sell this painting first, before any other. This painting has to be sold first or none of the other painting will either."

A man at the back shouted, " I'll give you $50!" There was a roar of laughter throughout the room. 

The auctioneer counted down, "Going once, going twice sold to the number 504!" 

There was relief that passed through the room; lets start the real bidding everyone thought! 

The auctioneer then started to pack away. "What’s going on?" Someone asked confused. 

The auctioneer addressed the room, "The auction is now over, and everything has been sold."

What?!!" People roared in the room. The auctioneer said, "The written instructions from the owner were, whoever takes the son, takes all."

If we accept Jesus in our life, God will give us the whole "art collection." It is ready and waiting for us. We have to accept Jesus. That HE came to die for our sins, so we can be free and enjoy His love abundantly. It's the most amazing gift, and that is what it is... a gift.

Be strong and take heart,
Butterflies & Rubies

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