Thursday 30 August 2012

Date Night

and I had our date night last night!

Date night is great. You set time out for both you. It's a night where it's just the two of you having some fun. 

Sometimes we go out for date night, other times we just watch a movie. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you both enjoy it and you get time to talk :) 

This drink is A-mazing, we found it only a few weeks ago...
I think it's a polish drink that you add water with it :) :)

And the movie we watch.............

GREAT MOVIE...I definitely recommend this film.
It made me cry!!! ;) It really makes you think, "what would I do?" I love movies that do that. It's really powerful.
Go buy it from the GraceDove store, and tell me what you think! :)

Be strong and take heart,
Butterflies & Rubies

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Laptop Decorations!

This is just a quick and easy way to spice up your laptop and look more individual :) 

(Laptop before- looks like every other laptop with no individuality)

This is my laptop afterwards! 

I'm so happy with the design and it just adds a little extra.
If you have more than one of the same laptop, this is a great way to know who's is who's.

Also this is a great back to school activity, to help you get back into the mood of working, while having fun!

Be strong and take heart,
Butterflies & Rubies