Tuesday 28 August 2012

DIY- Lounge Table Centre Piece

Having a coffee table in the middle of your lounge can sometimes look empty. Just a large table with nothing on it. Here is a quick and easy way to make things look more inviting...and it will encourage you a lot also :) 

What you will need:

A small/ medium bowl or vase:

You will need some decorating sand; this can be bought at any home store or even supermarket.

Some stones or rocks, these are store bought but if you have any rock from your summer holidays then use them, it will be a great reminder of your holiday for years to come!

A permanent mark pen. You need to be able to write on the stones or rocks...

 Write encouragements on your stones or rocks; pick special words that mean something to you. 

Mine were:
Love. Faith. Hope. Grace. 
"Love never fails". 
"Do not fear". 
"Be still and know I am God" 

Great encouragements!

Add in the sand

 Place the stones or rock how you like inside of the bowl or vase.

Use a table runner and some candle either side to set the table for completion...Relax, enjoy and be encouraged!

Be strong and take heart
Butterflies & Rubies


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